Watch The Transitory Delicacy
This is the material I drew in my animation video
I saw a saying on a food show, ‘Time is food’s best friend and its mortal enemy. ’
Another sentence is my thoughts, ‘I think food that takes time to make with care can heal people’s hearts’.

Based on the above two sentences, I came up with a concept for my work. I want to let the audience experience the joy of immersive food making and show the audience the relationship between food and time by recording the process of food making. What I want to explore is controlling the impact of time on the taste and appearance of food, exploring whether spending time making food can make us happy, and finally exploring whether eating delicious food can make people happy. So, I finally decided to record the food-making process by strictly controlling the time, and then feel my mood during the making process. When others see the video, they can also follow my steps. They may feel the joy of spending time making delicious food and enjoying the delicious food at the same time.